1、先初始化好一个65535大小的列表。开始我想直接定义buffer = [65535],但这和C的不同,所以使用append方式初始化0——因为这样才生成65535个列表。
2、由于GBK编码索引不连续,所以使用buffer[x2] = x1这种形式赋值。开始使用insert方式,但结果不正确。
#!/usr/bin/python # encoding: utf-8 import os import datetime import time SRC = "gbkuni30.txt" DST = "gbkuni30_gen1.h" ARRAY = "gbkuni30" buffer = [] # 空列表 max_num = 0 # 初始化好buffer,一共65535 for i in range(0, 65535): buffer.append(0x0) try: f = open(SRC, 'r') while True: l = f.readline() if l == '': break; s = l.strip().split(':') #以:分割,生成不同个数的列表 if len(s) == 2: x1 = int(s[0], 16) # 字符串转换为十六进制 x2 = int(s[1], 16) buffer[x2] = x1 # 针对索引赋值 if x2 > max_num: max_num = x2 #print("%04x %04x" % (x2, x1)) print("max num %d %x len: %d" % (max_num, max_num, len(buffer))) except: raise f = open(DST, "w") test = "/**********************************************************************************/\n" test += "/* GBK(GB18030) to UNICODE table, powered by Late Lee */\n" test += "/* */\n" test += "/* %s */\n" % (datetime.datetime.now()) test += "/* The source file comes from: */\n" test += "/* http://icu-project.org/repos/icu/data/trunk/charset/source/gb18030/gbkuni30.txt*/\n" test += "/**********************************************************************************/\n" test += "#ifndef __GBK2UNICODE__H\n" test += "#define __GBK2UNICODE__H\n\n" test += "static unsigned short %s[] = \n{\n" % (ARRAY) f.write(test) # write text to file #### cnt=0 for i in range(0x8140, max_num+1): #print("%x -- 0x%x" % (i, buffer[i])) ch = "0x%04x, " % (buffer[i]) f.write(ch) cnt+=1; if cnt % 10 == 0: tmp = " // line num %d \n" % (cnt / 10 - 1) f.write(tmp) ######## test= "\n" test+= "};\n\n" test+= "#endif //__GBK2UNICODE__H\n" f.write(test) # write text to file f.close()
李迟 2015.1.15 周日 中午